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Macmillan Little Explorers 0. Video. OSMTReading. ReadAlong

Видео со слежением по тексту для популярных ридеров издательства Macmillan.


01-Daisy The Dinosaur 02-LEA Teddy's Big Day
03-The Big Bad Monster 04-The Biscuit Man
05-LEA The New Baby 06-LEA At The Zoo
07-In Daisy's Box 08-A Fun Day Out
09-A Party For Teddy 10-Chicken-Licken
11-The School Play 12-LEB Stone Soup
13-LEB Daisy and Danny 14 LEA Look
15 LEA In Teddy's Bag 16-LEA Run And Hide
17-LEB Pin It On 18-LEB Teddy In Bed
19-LEB-Fish And Chips 20-LEB In The Mud

01-Daisy The Dinosaur

02-LEA Teddy's Big Day

03-The Big Bad Monster

04-The Biscuit Man

05-LEA The New Baby

06-LEA At The Zoo

07-In Daisy's Box

08-A Fun Day Out

09-A Party For Teddy


11-The School Play

12-LEB Stone Soup

13-LEB Daisy and Danny

14 LEA Look

15 LEA In Teddy's Bag

16-LEA Run And Hide

17-LEB Pin It On

18-LEB Teddy In Bed

19-LEB-Fish And Chips

20-LEB InThe Mud

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