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Macmillan Little Explorers 1. Video. OSMTReading. ReadAlong

Видео со слежением по тексту для популярных ридеров издательства Macmillan.


YE1-1 Aunt Rose Comes to Stay YE1-2 Daisy Has The Hiccups
YE1-3 Going To The Beach YE1-4 Lasy Lenny
YE1-5 In the jungle YE1-6 Little Red Riding Hood
YE1-7 Crazy Cat and Fat Old Rat YE1-8 Daisy is ill
YE1-9 Professor Green and The Snake YL-10 Tom_s Haircut

YE1-1 Aunt Rose Comes to Stay.

YE1-2 Daisy Has The Hiccups

YE1-3 Going To The Beach

YE1-4 Lasy Lenny

YE1-5 In the jungle

YE1-6 Little Red Riding Hood

YE1-7 Crazy Cat and Fat Old Rat

YE1-8 Daisy is ill

YE1-9 Professor Green and The Snake

YL-10 Tom_s Haircut

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