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Witty Phrases for Monopoly/Фразы для Монополии
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Witty Phrases for Monopoly

Составитель: Mary (методист ЛЦ "Goodwill Land") 

  1. Hey! You still have so much money! Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth?!
  2. Now Mayflower is your bread and butter!
  3. Are you going to break the bank and spend all your money on this expensive street?
  4. Cash in your chips and buy a house! = Sell something you have and spend this money on a house!
  5. You’ve got a fine. It’s time to foot the bill! = It’s time to pay!
  6. Wow, you’ve just gone from rags to riches! = You’ve become very rich while you were poor.
  7. Hey, you sticky fingers, don’t touch my yellow street! (When you’ve got almost all the streets of the same color, but somebody is going to buy the remaining.)

  1. If you buy this station, you will get a high rent of $25!
  2. Had I bought the second utility, I would get twice more now!
  3. If only I had money to catch this street! I desperately need it to get a house!
  4. 4. I wish I hadn’t invested in this station.
  5. There’s no point in investing in stations unless you get a hold of all of them.
  6. It turns out/appears a profitable investment!
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Все комментарии: 1

Дмитрий Ассоров
Cообщений: 1
Дата/время: 19.09.2023 16:37:59
  1. Had I bought the second utility, I would get twice as much (or many) now!

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